Originally Posted by ratbastid
No sir. That attitude is precisely why relationships DON'T work--friendships, family relationships, intimate relationships, or any other kind.
Which is why when you said:
...I wasn't particularly surprised. It has nothing to do with the "kind of person you are" (which is a myth anyway) or what interests you have in common with people. It has everything to do with your fundamental view of what a relationship is for, which is: you get something from it.
What pray tell is a relationship for then? I'm not talking fiduciary return on investment here, but why have any relationship that is simply you pouring out your time/energy/emotions if you don't get something in return? I completely understand charitable giving of these resources, but a friendship would certainly qualify for some kind of ROI.
The very reason a RELATIONSHIP does not work is usually one person in the relationship feels used up, while the other party doesn't put anything back in. Just as communication isn't a one way transaction, neither is a relationship, specifically a friendship.
I am very active in other people's lives. I help people all the time, without the requirement of pay, or even most times their thanks. I consider this charitable work a necessary part of life and I think everyone should do these things, for the good of society, and if you want to go there, your soul.
BUT, friends are not people who just come around when they want something. They will offer help to you, they will buy you a drink, or listen to you bitch and so forth. They offer a return on the efforts you put into a relationship. My experience is that true friends are hard to come by. I do not consider casual acquaintances to be in the same vein. Those are a different "relationship" altogether.
Just for chuckles, what is mythical about being a certain type of person? Sure I'm not a caveman, no crap, but you might get a hint at what I am like from the implications of the moniker.