You have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. In a country of 300,000,000 people, that's pretty fucking low.
I am not reassured by the stupidity of the average voter, nor by a pair of choices even less appealing than Bush/Cheney vs Kerry/Edwards. This time, I don't even like any of the serious third party candidates, and that's based on running down the list of candidates on Wikipedia, a lot of who were apparently added by one of the few hundred people out there who even know about them. There's even a guy who wasn't born in the US and was still nominated by some obscure party.
For me, the election sucks on issues. I don't want to have to choose between whether I want a candidate who is for gun owners and nuclear power or one who is pro-choice and will respect separation of church and state. I'm back to my stance that I may leave the presidential election choice blank on my ballot for lack of a real choice.