Daniel Craig.
Er-- no, Picard, I mean. Kirk was probably able to play people better (if you wanna friggin' call them 'people!' Filthy aliens...), Picard played situations better. Which plays into that whole "Kirk was out there in the undiscovered wilderness, Picard had a pup tent, two flashlights and the map" perspective. Also, Kirk wasn't able to see the big picture as well as Picard was. Picard was the guy who was always willing to open his horizons to understand a problem. Kirk only changed after one of his crewmen had been killed, resurrected, and had forgiven the one good alien leader after the other two were dead.
Basically Kirk's Enterprise was a big metal rock fired off into space from a launchpad of bamboo and diamonds; Picard's was a solid aluminium javelin weaving between the stars.
But Sisko was always my favourite.
And I'm never never sick at sea.