Iliftrocks, I would wager to say you're in your quarter-life crisis a bit early (been a few threads here about that, and they're still around)
From what I can tell, you're still in college, your friends have started to actually work, and you're left behind a bit for the last couple of months/year, riding out your education.
That to me would explain your bitterness about friends hanging by a thin thread, and asking what it's all worth.
In short, that to me explains your attitude and POV. You've lost your sense of belonging to a specific group and you've lost a direction.
I've had the same thing happen to me, but oddly (I have alot of odd things I suppose) I had that happen before the friends drifted apart.
At a certain point, right before the last exams were about to start, I realised that all the people I'd hung out with for the last 4 years, were about to leave my life. Even alot of people I would have wanted to keep communications up with. Most people didn't understand what I meant or was going through really.
Then the exams came, then the internships started. Then the internships ended and we graduated... And lo and behold, there were 3 people left from college that I still spoke to on more than a monthly basis.
Then a reunion came, and as I expected, by then most had experienced it as well, and in the very same way, most barely spoke to eachother anymore.
I guess that's why reunions were invented?
What got me over this is the fact that I still did have friends, alot of them, just not through school. I had friends from childhood, I had friends in a book/gaming/roleplaying group, I had friends in my home-town left from highschool.
The fact is that everybody after college needs to start something.
Some people build up relationships at work again, which tend to last a good deal longer than college ones, some people tend to go back to people they met before college.
In each case, what you get out of relationships, even the shallow ones, is a social network.
And no person is an island. (I myself am a peninsula. I can stand people, but in short bursts

Or to put it in more immortal words: This too shall pass.