Originally Posted by Rudel73
Tell me one instance, one vote, where Obama 'crossed the aisle'. He has voted the party line 100% of the time. McCain is the one who has shown the ability to listen to both parties, and has actually NOT voted the republican line, so I don't understand your arguement and believe your little statement there has no merit.
You asked for one....I'll give you two:
A Bush bill to limit class action lawsuits. (
roll call vote)
The Bush 2005 energy bill. (
roll call vote))
He bucked the Democratic leadership position and party line on both. Although both had a relatively few good provisions, I dont particularly like his vote on either, but I dont expect to agree with every vote of my chosen candidate.
How does that compare with speaking out against torture/waterboarding, then voting the Republican line to allow the CIA to use waterboarding...
..or voting against the Bush tax cutes in 01, calling it fiscally irresponsible, and now being the front man for the party line and making its extension the center piece of his economic policy....
....or now towing the party line and opposing his own comprehensive immigration reform bill or climate change bill.