Listen, I had a really long night. I got jumped by some cholos that stole my dockers and dickies shirt, and I was really cold. I didn't even know there were cholos in Ohio. I saw this chimney with some smoke coming out of it and I was brought back to my childhood, huddling around the warm fire on holidays... and it just felt right.
So I scaled the house, taking care not to get anything caught on the shingles, and found my way into the chimney. Sue me. And you know what? It WAS toasty. I was just planning on waiting out the cold night and then someone walking by talking on a cell phone saw my head sticking out of the chimney. He must have said "terrorist chimney" or something, because the cops were out there so fast they must have been alerted by Echelon.
So yeah, this is the story about how I was jumped and stripped in Ohio, and had Echelon notified about being naked in a chimney.