Have your opinions changed regarding global warming?
With all of our scientific advances, we still can't accurately predict the point of land-fall or intensity of weather events like Hurricane Gustav. And after reading recent reports about how the absence of sun-spots for over a month is affecting our summer temperatures (lowered), studying historic weather cycles, and the impact that volcanic eruptions has on the atmosphere, I am absolutely not convinced that the "science" of global warming should be accepted as conclusive. Good stewardship is always a "good thing", but a rush to legislate radical climate change policies may be premature or irresponsible. If a scenario of global cooling should indeed follow from a reduction of solar activity, worse global consequences could be felt more rapidly than current global warming predictions. So what's it going to be?
In light of this year's reduced global temperatures and the accuracy of our sciences to predict and model future events, what are your current opinions regarding climate change, "green industries", legislation, treaties, etc.?
- holding steady
- strengthened
- guarded, but open to questioning
- changed considerably
I wasn't sure how to create a poll... I'll edit to include one later if possible.