I'm over my ex now, well...for the most part. But I am a very, very forgiving person and just wanted to know if it is ok for me to dislike her. Everybody I ask agrees with me that what she did was wrong, but I am worried that they are biased in my favor...so...I'm asking you, complete strangers.
About 2 weeks after breaking up, my ex-girlfriend (whom I still slept in the same bed with and cuddled, although no sex) told me that if I asked her to marry her, she would say yes. A week after this, she would say things like "I just wish we could have kids so I would know to make our relationship work out - we would be bonded together". I wasn't going for this, especially since she already has a son who lives with her ex-bf who lives 500 miles away.
Three weeks after her telling me these things, she moved in with a guy who went from "friend" to "boyfriend". I trusted her with this guy (a co-worker - she swore repeatedly she wasn't the least bit attracted to) and she would go out 2 nights a week with him even before we broke up. She argues that it was 6 weeks after we broke up before she started falling for him. I argue that TECHNICALLY yes, it was 6 weeks....but it had only been 3 weeks since she mentioned marriage and having kids together.
Ok....am I completely crazy or is this just wrong? Believe me, I am done with her, I don't want her back, I have zero contact with her....but I just want to know if it is OK to dislike her. Her birthday was yesterday, I didn't call her, and I feel guilty. But I really think she shit on me (she denies this emphatically). I guess I just want a 100% unbiased opinion of this girl.