Originally Posted by abaya
Yeah, wouldn't we all... I gave up hope of that in 2004, unfortunately.  Well. Isn't that a productive stance. Gives me such hope for America. Where does she live? And you know, that's just fine with me.  I hope it works out exactly like that, frankly.
She lives in Mexico, just around the corner from me. She and her brother spew the same crap. Obama's a secret Muslim, he's a terrorist... blah, blah, blah.
Do you really think disenfranchised Hilary supporters will vote GOP just because they put Palin on the ticket? Personally I think the Hilary supporters trying to orchestrate an Obama loss so Hilary can run and win in 2012 were already in McCains camp. I don't see adding her to the ticket as a positive for him. If anything it might make some of the those PUMA folks give it a second thought.