Originally Posted by roachboy
but pan, you seem to be under the impression that there is something to this wright phantasm. you assume it when you talk about reversibility, as if your projected object would remain intact as it were rotated from one viewpoint to another. what you do not consider is to my mind obvious: that rotating this wright phantasm to another viewpoint dissolves it. there is no there there. there is nothing.
from this the obvious conclusion: you were predisposed to dislike obama as a signifier and you latched onto the right wright phantasm as an excuse and you are fixed on it because of the function that it serves for you. seemingly incapable to admitting of any ricketiness in the phantasm, presumably because of the functions it serves for you, you persist in trying to fashion little scenarios in the context of which you concede the status of your construct "the wright thing" in order to play the game at all.
just saying.
No, because I can honestly say there are other reasons as noted above I do not like either candidate. I don't have to "latch onto Rev. Wright" to dislike Obama, TRUST ME on that one.
But I find it funny that people are willing to attack the question and just not answer the hypothetical put forth.
True or not, it is what is perceived that sticks in people's minds and while many may not voice it, I am sure these perceptions are what some people have. I just flipped them to the other candidate and asked what would you think if this was the dirt surrounding the other candidate.
And again, it becomes very apparent that people would rather attack and yell and scream and get pissy than to truly sit back, and think about what their reaction would be to these perceptions.
And again, if you find that these questions are biased or one sided put forth your scenarios, your perceptions.....