Originally Posted by highthief
Heh, a very "American" response - you think the leadership of your nation is that much more important than the leadership of all our other nations? That your problems are worse than everyone elses?
Don't get me wrong....your country faces the same looming "problem" as nearly every western person now faces:
AC Grayling: Safe in our cages | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
...Once upon a time the authorities worked at frightening everyone into thinking that the unblinking eye of a deity exercised surveillance and data-gathering over them. Now we have Gordon Brown and Siemens, the real thing, not a myth: the unblinking eye of the security services, the local council, "other public bodies", in our bedrooms, our text messages, our emails, our internet searches. ....
...."once upon a time"????
In Kabul, Obama calls Afghan front 'central' to war on terror ...
Jul 20, 2008 ... KABUL: Afghanistan must become "the central front" in the war on terror, Barack Obama said Sunday in the Afghan capital, sharpening his ...
"We have to understand that the situation is precarious and urgent here in Afghanistan, and I believe this has to be the central focus, the central front, in the battle against terrorism," Obama said in an interview with CBS News....
...."Losing is not an option when it comes to Al Qaeda, and it never has been," Obama told CBS....
....but Canada can function as self sufficient, with a sound currency, and without the obligations and liabilities that come to the leadership of a bankrupt and commodities dependent country that long postures as the world's policeman.....