Originally Posted by jorgelito
But what I don't understand is why get so worked up over lawful legal guns rather than the real criminals and illegal ones. We're not the ones looking to commit crimes with our open carry or concealed guns. It's to protect ourselves from the criminals who don't respect the law. I would think law enforcement people would embrace and support us lawful citizens in our right to bear arms whether concealed or open carry. Instead of hassling us, perhaps they should be more supportive and turn their attention to the criminals on the street. We're on the same side here.
Many do, many do not. LE is made up of people. People, regardless of profession, often disagree on issues. I was and still am a member of LEAP.
LEAP - Cops Say
I'd say 80% of my co-workers did not favor this organization when I joined, When I left it was closer to 60%.
I think part of your answers lies in that lawful citizens and stark raving criminals do not wear uniforms or signs letting the officer know which he/she is dealing with.