In another Most Illustrious Thread here at TFP...and obviously I refer to the "Where in the World Am I?" thread, TullyMars made a fantastic "longest" revelation that I feel compelled to share with all you Longest Folks:
The Pangalanes is a chain of sweet water lakes and lagoons parallel to the coast of the Indian Ocean, separated by a narrow stretch of land. The lakes are connected by a man-made channel system that forms an inland waterway from Tamatave through to Farafangana, making it the longest canal in the world covering a distance of 600km.
edit: as one of my most heart-felt gestures toward energy conservation, I just realized that I can make this a "3-fer" by using the word "Farafangana" above in the "sounds naught but isn't thread"!
Damn, this is further strong proof that the universe is just so interconnected it blows our minds.
Last edited by BadNick; 08-31-2008 at 09:33 AM..