Okay, good point about the sweat. I like the camelbak NOW that I'm just riding around for fun and expecting to come home and shower. I do not enjoy it as much when I'm headed to a day of classes and, worse, it's winter so I get overheated in my coat and then start freezing as soon as I stop. But I think maybe I also have not the greatest messenger bags. They are all just sort of the canvas long-strapped ones that are flimsy and not meant to hug your body at all. So sometimes, they will slip forward and I will have to stop (if I'm able) to keep from crashing because I have a heavy bag hanging around my neck getting all tangled in my legs. I need one of those nice huggy courier ones like Charlatan posted...
Stare At The Sun - that's a classy looking bag you got. Somehow, I was expecting something more in fashion and less classy from what you wrote earlier. Something like the elephant squid or a more colorful Timbuktu or Manhattan Portage one. But then again, I have strange tastes in general.