Originally Posted by Halx
For anyone who loves to critique porn, you should read the book Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk.
I'm about 3/4 of the way through it now. I'm not exactly an "industry" insider, but some of my major clients are. People in the "biz" look at me differently when I mention that my clients include Justine Jolie, Sam Sugar and Audacia Ray... and WAY differently when I mention I've done some web dev work for Luke Ford. Chuck is sort of nailing it... and sort of not. He's missing the boat on the whole mundane, boring, ordinary side of the industry. His Cassie Wright character is drawn more from fiction than from reality. Though (I'm told) his description of porn set itself is basically dead on, albeit with a flavoring of Palahniukian "glamorous squalor". Any director/producer who did what Branch Bacardi did would be shunned and blackballed--that's just bad for the industry. Good for fiction, though.
Back on topic: The first porn I ever watched was with my friend Chris, in his basement. It was a FILM. Like, on FILM. Projected from a PROJECTOR. His dad had a bunch of them in his office in the basement there, and we watched one. It was kind of hot, except that there was another 15-year-old boy sitting next to me.
I've watched porn with lurkette, which was very fun. StellaLuna's not real interested, although I have a secret suspicion that she'd come out of her shell a bit if we found her the right stuff.
One night in college we packed our dorm room with mixed-gender friends for a viewing of
Sex Trek: The Next Penetration. It was all good fun except for the one borderline Aspurgers kid who sat in the back corner of the room shaking the whole time. Kind of a boner-kill, that guy.