I understood the point and I see what you are saying. However, speaking from experience, most people that live in bad areas tend to live there by choice and not because "the man" is holding them back from their full potential or killing them off at a young age. "Birds of a feather flock together" so to speak. I don't know how the welfare, HUD,section 8 or whatever you call it works in your area but here the welfare system rents apartments, homes and houses in all school districts, all paid for by people with means that actually pay taxes, i.e. the middle class, and if you don't like the place your living or don't want your kids to grow up and go the school down the street you can apply and move to a different area. I used to work for HUD and that's the way it was. Lots of people moved all the time to take advantage of what different school districts offered. I still believe life expectancy has more to do with life choices rather than the amount of money in your pocket.