Originally Posted by Halx
For anyone who loves to critique porn, you should read the book Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk.
on it. I'm a big fan of Chuck, even if his writing is a bit off cllor and unimaginative.
Originally Posted by little_tippler
I have tried to watch porn with company but it made me want to laugh. I guess I just wasn't comfortable enough. Also, certain porn I like to watch, I wouldn't want to watch with a guy...it might put ideas in their head I don't want to emulate lol
I would like to one day feel comfortable enough with someone to the extent that I can watch porn with them quite naturally...I'm sure that day will come. I hope it's soon!
When you finally find the people that you're OK watching anything with, you know you're in the company of true friends.
If you knew my friends, you'd understand. Trust me on this one.