This is one that could get me in deep shit where i live {the bible belt) but I DO NOT believe in god...there, I said it, let the cards fall where they can anyone buy into the concept of an invisible being that lives somewhere in the heavens and has the ability to know everything that every one of us does on a daily basis, created the entire existence that we know today in a week and has all of our dead relatives that weren't SINNERS (quote, unquote) hanging around waiting to meet us when we check out....a little logic and reason puts an end to that farce almost immediately...remember, the bible was written by people that may or may not have known this supposed deity personally and it has been amended , edited and updated many times since it's was written in a time when most people were uneducated and needed some kind of control to keep them from becoming rampant maniacs....some intelligent people got together and said"Hey, here's a way to control the uneducated hordes" and thus was the birth of the bible...fear and mind control are strong weapons when used against the weak mind.....
"Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the most."