You don't HAVE to play 10 hours straight, 5 days a week to progress pretty far. We did 3 nights a week, 4 hour raids and would be clearing at least 1 boss Sunwell right now if Summer + wotlk hadn't killed raiding for my whole server. We didn't get any server firsts but those guilds that were ahead of us respected us because we didn't get stuck on any bosses, except for Maulgar of course... They might have cleared BT a few months before us but comparing how much farther they are and how much time they've invested in raiding, They've probably raided hundreds of more hours than us yet they were only 2-3 bosses ahead when raiding died.
The problem for me isn't how much time it takes, It's that you can't organize a raid, especially a progression raid at a time that doesn't conflict with quality real life time. When people are available to raid in game it usually means people are available to hang out in real life and THAT's a problem.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry