As a woman and a medical professional (dental field) I take no offense in bieng treated as pre pregnant. I truely think that there are two reasons behind it. I feel the vast majority of the medical community really DOES care about harming any potential child you may be unknowingly pregant with or conceive without intention. The other, as several have stated above, is being scared shitless of getting sued. There's a story of a dentist several years ago prescribing a female patient antibiotics. The dentist didn't ask her if she was on birth control pills. (Neither did the pharmacist for that matter, and not everyone gets all of their prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy, so a pharmacist may not know all of the drugs every customer takes.) The woman got pregnant and did not want to terminate. Well, the woman sued her dentist for a full 18yrs worth of child support. I ask every patient, male or female for a list of all medications. You wouldn't believe how many women don't think that BCP's count as medication. Anyhow, my boss is a total fool IMO b/c he never asks about BCP when he prescribes antibiotics b/c he's a total prude and the thought of knowing that about a woman makes him queazy.
IMO, cut the medical community some slack. The purpose of having a uterus and ovaries is to produce offspring. It's not the job of the professinal to have prior knowledge of your intentions, or lack there of, to use them.
It's really no different than asking a man about his reproductive intentions and birth control methods if he were being given a drug that could cause bad sperm. I highly doubt most men would get there boxers in a twist over it.