Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA
i was told earlier today by my dentists that if i dont quit smoking, i will loose my teeth.
i love to smoke, its not just the nicotine that has me hooked.
the question i want to ask is this:
is gum disease reversable? if i stop smoking and take care of my teeth enough will i be able to pick up the habit once again?
i know, i know. smoking is bad. but if you lived where i do you would understand why i love it so much. i really have nothing better to do than to waste time by smoking and playing music.
some insight on this would be very much appreciated.
Here's my perspective as a dental hygienist: Gum disese is not curable. It is manageable, much like diabetes. The only true cause is bacterial plaque. That said, there are many factors that go into how our gums handle said plaque. There are factors that we can't control, such as genetics or diseases that affect our immune systems and being physically impaired from having proper oral hygiene. Then there are factors that we can control, such as proper oral hygiene (with the exception previously stated), seeking routine dental care, proper nutrition, and the biggest of them all, smoking. These other factors don't cause gum/periodontal disease, they exacerbate it, some more than others.
The likelyhood of you keeping your teeth long term will depend on several things:
1. How advanced is the disease at the present time.
2. How willing are you to undergo reccomended treatment of your gums?
3. Will you follow up with routine maintenance with your dental professional?
4. How meticulous are you/will you be with your oral hygiene?
5. How is your overall health?
6. What is the periodontal situation of your parents and/or siblings?
7. How willing are you to quit smoking?
I know that the last thing a smoker wants to hear is another person telling them why they should quit, but there is so much data (and real life observation on my part) to support the importance of being tobacco free. Not to mention oral cancer as well.
HTH, and GL.