yes, I was able to figure it out. your answer pointed me in the right direction enough to do this.
Now that I have this completed, I can now move onto the 2nd part of my problem. This one I'm really unsure of how to approach it.
I have this as my worksheet:
A1 b1 c1 d1
NAME : 8 : to : 17 :
: computer :
repeat for 50 more names and add a few more titles for the 2nd row.
what I want to achieve is: have a list of hours like 7 to 22 on the side and then have a code that looks at everyone with the word computer and then checks what hours they're at and this puts a marker. when the hour has been filled, it puts a check for that hour and person. when the 1st list of hours has been filled, it puts a GOOD in a cell.
so it should look like: jimmy works from 8 to 17 in computers, bob works from 10 to 19 in computers and jack works 17 to 22 in computers.
hours for the day are 8 to 10. with everyone listed here, Computers is GOOD.
If we remove bob, the hours are still GOOD. but if we remove anyone else, it should say BAD.
I then have 5 more departments to cover. Is this possible??!