Originally Posted by roachboy
if you ride a bike the advantages of a messenger bag over a backpack are obvious. i don't find them comfortable to wander around with in general, but for carrying stuff on a bike, they're great. chances are, if you hate on the bags, you don't ride.
Wait, not so obvious to me...
I've been riding to and from school with many books using both my messenger bags and a backpack. Yes, something about it seems slightly better (I can't put my finger on it), but then when I've been carrying two textbooks and a lunch on that shoulder for four days straight, I have to use the backpack on the fifth day without fail. When I don't have to bring anything but water, my wallet/keys/phone and some pleasure reading, I just go with my camelbak which is the most comfortable of all. So, what am I missing... is it just the part about not feeling like a turtle?