Originally Posted by forseti-6
Last I checked Obama frequently travels on private jets too. John Kerry always flies on private jets, has multiple houses, and is possibly wealthier than McCain, yet no one tried to vilify him when he was running. This is why I don't like many tactics of the left. Everything to them is a double standard, just about everything they accuse conservatives of, there are liberals that are far more guilty of, yet they can do no wrong.
Looking objectively, I think most would agree that both sides are equally guilty.
No one vilified Kerry (remember the Swiftboaters?) or his wife? Obama has not been vilified for being a "secret Muslim" or other equally outrageous charges about his patriotism? Or portraying Michelle Obama as an "angry black woman."
You dont think the right, most notably Limbaugh, Hannety, Fox News, et al, dont use the same tactics or apply double standards that you find so offensive? Hell, Limbaugh invented and mastered the tactics in modern day mass communications.
I agree the focus should be on issues and facts.. but lets no try to make the silly argument that taking the lower road is one-sided.
You might start with stopping the bullshit about a cult of personality and blindfolded and swooning followers.....or money grubbing Democrats.
-----Added 26/8/2008 at 08 : 54 : 09-----
Or equally
baseless claims that Obama wants to turn the US into a European style socialist state or destroy the world's greatest health care system.