Originally Posted by Rekna
It is not that he is rich it is that he doesn't understand the needs of the lower and middle classes. He doesn't understand what it is like to struggle to make mortgage payments, he doesn't know what its like to pump your own gas, last year McCain spent $270,000 on maids and butlers for his houses, etc. He seems to be out of touch with realities outside of his rich circle. Obama on the other hand group up poor, he worked with the poor in Chicago, he understands what these people are feeling.
Another quotable are last year his wife said "Private jets are the only way to travel around the midwest (paraphrased)". It must be nice to get to fly everywhere but some of us have to drive and are struggling with the cost of gas. It costs me $600 a plane ticket to fly home.
Last I checked Obama frequently travels on private jets too. John Kerry always flies on private jets, has multiple houses, and is possibly wealthier than McCain, yet no one tried to vilify him when he was running. This is why I don't like many tactics of the left. Everything to them is a double standard, just about everything they accuse conservatives of, there are liberals that are far more guilty of, yet they can do no wrong.
The polls always show what the American voter cares about. Since Obama started making a deal about this stupid house issue, McCain has actually pulled even with him in the polls. So it really shows that although you might think not knowing how many houses you have (and in reality, they're mostly houses owned by his wife) people don't really care. It doesn't mean he's out of touch, it just means he doesn't know.
It amazes how Obama's cult of personality trumpets any minor thing he does, and blindfolds his followers from any negative thing he does. Fortunately for the country, many of the independents do not swoon for him, and will vote for or against him based on ISSUES not his celebrity.
-----Added 26/8/2008 at 08 : 34 : 02-----
Originally Posted by djtestudo
When you are an evil money-grubbing Republican, of course.
So I'm assuming money grubbing Democrats is acceptable. Notice none of them are attacked from the right for being successful. I find it ironic how those on the left can talk about "the American Dream" when they seem to overtly attack those who are living it. You can't have it both ways!