Here in Iceland, it's very natural to be naked with other people (of your same gender, mostly--but I don't think it would be that weird to be with guys, either)... there is a huge pool/swimming culture here, and the rule is that you have to be naked in the group showers (because they don't use much chlorine in the pools, so everyone has to soap up really well beforehand).
My first time swimming was a little nerve-racking, as I was raised to be conservative about nudity... but after I got used to it, I loved the freedom of just being nude with other women, and not having to worry about it at all. I think it also is part of the reason that I was willing to try the nude beach, and to sit naked in the hot pots and rivers in the Icelandic nature. You just become comfortable with your body in a way that is not encouraged in the US.
When my American friends come to visit (and my family), though, they have a hard time enjoying the pool because of the shower-stress (nudity) beforehand, which is disappointing.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran