Wow, what a question.
I have been the chubby girl, and let me tell you, I had no problem getting guys. At all. Most good men seem to realize there is more to a woman than her weight. However, there will always be some men out there who are hopelessly shallow and can't look past that few extra pounds, which is unfortunate.
One of the things I truly love about my SO is that he loves me no matter what size I am; chubby or skinny, he doesn't care.
And yes, I think the media push the idea of slim being beautiful, and the association of slimness with being healthy and fit, which isn't necessarily true:
Well - Weight as Main Measure of Health May Be Misguided - In the process, they have brainwashed some young men into believing that a woman must look just so, when in fact real women come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, not all of them slender.