Originally Posted by ktspktsp
Which is why it's extremely unlikely that something would work out with the sister, I would think, since she would be wrecking her relationship with her sister and possibly her family (that's assuming she would even be interested in being in a relationship with you).
Are the sisters close to each other?
They are quite close. (i'm in progress of editing this post to add more details; after further thought I won't) I don't really think that I'm going to end one relationship and start another. I think that my hope/fantasy is that the sister shares the same feelings I do: having strong feelings for each other but not willing to hurt my wife. The desirable outcome of this would be ... well I'm not actually sure, but I guess that when we talk, make eye contact, hug, etc, we both know what we feel for each other instead of just hoping/wondering. I'll be the first to admit that what I'm saying/thinking/hoping/feeling is fucked up; but that's why I'm here. This is definitely not a "how do I bed my sister-in-law". I'm hoping that talking through it with you guys might help me work through whatever is wrong with me.
-----Added 25/8/2008 at 06 : 29 : 12-----
Abaya you are wonderful. Thanks for taking the time to respond (again). I really do appreciate it. I think I'm going to take this discussion into private messages now, as it involves my wife and I would hate for this to become public and embarrass her.