Originally Posted by Rekna
Some of their documentation says they don't save your logins and passwords. If they don't save them then where are they saved? Locally on my drive? Do they encrypt them on my drive? Or do I have to relog in every time I want to view my finances? I really liked the video and what could be done but i'm still too concerned about security to sign up.
My understanding is that mint is essentially a prettier interface to other online account aggregators like Yodlee Moneycenter. I believe mint basically hands off the login/password info to sites like yodlee, and they handle the logging in and delivery of data. I believe yodlee is one of the sites categorized as "our online financial service providers" coming from mint.com's FAQ. I remember mint mentioning yodlee explicitly in the past but perhaps they're using other companies instead or as well?
Personally, I'm not that worried about the login/password data being stored on a site like this. Thankfully, I've never had to deal with an incident myself, and I think the fear about security in this aspect is slightly overblown. I'd be interested to hear stories indicating otherwise, though.