Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
What ended up happening?
They got me up to level 25 and that's when I received a 3 day ban.
This is a notification regarding the World of Warcraft account. Access to this account has been temporarily disabled for exploitation of the World of Warcraft economy or for being associated to accounts which have been closed for intended exploitation. Based on a review of the information presented, this World of Warcraft account has been given a final warning and a 72 hour account suspension, in addition to any previous warnings issued. Until the suspension has been lifted, the account will not be accessible. Please note that Blizzard Entertainment will be unable to provide further information regarding the specific time an account will become accessible again. This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use (WoW -> Legal -> Terms of Use) and our game policies (Blizzard Support). According to the World of Warcraft Terms of Use, to which all players agree when installing World of Warcraft, Section 5, Paragraph C [Rules Related to Game Play] states that you may not do anything that Blizzard Entertainment considers contrary to the "essence" of World of Warcraft. Be aware that any additional inappropriate actions may result in the permanent closure of the account. With that being said, we have reset the password to the World of Warcraft account. Please use the new password that has been sent to your registered e-mail address to log into the game client first. After you have successfully logged into the World of Warcraft, you may proceed to the Account Management page to set the password as you choose.
And the services reply:
We would like to inform you that when we lvling for u ,the leveler has been kicked by someone,then the password got changed,we can not log on to level for you .If it is you who changed the password,please contact us asap.if its not u ,plz use the account recovery to change your password and tell us again though the live chat so wen can go on lvl for u. looking forward to your respond,thank you very much.
Lol is it broken english or a 12 year old on the internets?
This is basically BS because I'm the only one who knows my info beside them and I never logged on. Ill keep the updates coming