Yeah, I use mint.
So far, I like it a lot. I never had or used Quicken or MS Money, actually preferring to manage my finances on my own spreadsheet. (I'd never really cared much about categorizing my expenses or budgeting back then...) I still use my own spreadsheet, but I've supplemented it with using mint. I like the site a lot and it was just what I was looking for. I had used wesabe as well, but I dropped it in order to just focus on using one site.
I like mint because it automatically imports all of my transactions from all of the online accounts i have (bank, credit cards, etc). It's been pretty easy to have it automatically categorize transactions as they're processed. It had been kinda buggy in the past, but I haven't noticed any major issues lately. There's also a lot of available data porn that's available, but I've liked wesabe's charts and graphs with regards to that better.
Still, I like the site overall and it shows me just where my money goes.