Originally Posted by luciferase75
This can go on all day, point is some people will like macs, and some people won't. I never will, maybe someone else does. From the technical aspect, the mac is a limited-use tool and the PC is the all-in-one that 80% of people with computers use.
Yep, this is really it.
It all comes down to needs and desires. And being human, we'll never all be on the same page.
I work in the publishing industry, and if I were to go to an industry event and say, "Dudes, I'm totally going to replace my Mac with a Vista machine," most people would look at me and think, "What the hell is he on?! He's fucking lost it...." The reason? Most of the industry uses Macs. Many creative industries do. And I'm guessing this is because we don't want to spend our time tooling, customizing, pulling on wires, and setting up things on our machines. We're too busy building books and designing websites. We just want a machine that works out of the box, and one that works well with other machines like it. One that makes adding things a snap. Macs are ridiculously easy to integrate with one another. That's the cool thing about homogeneous design of hardware and a well designed OS.
If I were to go with that Vista dream, I'd constantly run into trouble. Perhaps this would be mainly due to compatibility issues. I think I'd die from using the OS, personally. I've heard to bad things about it. (I have enough problems with XP at home.) They're going to fix it, right? I'm sure you techie guys know how to get it to do what you need it to do. But, as I've mentioned, we don't like spending the time to do shit like that.
I have a few books to go work on....