wow, that's great. I just use the same old 21" monitor from my 1st PC which still looks better than most LCD's I've repairs or issues of any kind in ten years. plus on my new PC I've added a 42" Aquos as a 2nd monitor which looks pritty damn good too.
I didn't really know anything about setting up 2 monitors...I just hooked 'em up and and they worked. since hook up I have found several options of configuring them.
of course I have cables but they can be bundled to look tidy if needed. right now 7 cords, 2 monitor cords, keyboard and mouse, Internet, external drive and speakers. I'm shure bluetooth could cut some of that out.
pics like that are a fantasy (marketing lies). if your a slob with crap everywhere on the desk and on the floor, adding apple components won't make your room clean and stylish.
last years apple components at the computer recyclers look just the same as the rest of the computer junk on the pile. and there is plenty of it too.
as far as I can see this isn't a functionality issue in the machines. it's 100% an issue of the type of person who buys into the marketing of these things. some people seem to buy the idea that if they buy a certain thing, they're better than others. like the BMW driver who thinks the make of his car gives him right of way. I mean, are we gonna set up a special PC users bathroom and drinking fountain ? PC users sit at the back of the bus ?
people buy a piece of hardware and it seems to give them licence to belittle others. which in turn generates a defensive retort from those who bought something else.
it seems to me it all stems from marketing. macs are marketed as "art boxes" but honestly I've seen more apps for art in PC's than macs. when I was learning 3D and 2D on a computer for macking game assets all game assets I heard of were made on PC's
Softimage, 3D Studiomax, Maya, were all on PC's back then and not on macs. Doom 3 was showed first on a mac but built on PC's and to my knowledge was available for PC first and macers had to wait.
granted macers can run win apps on their riggs now, but I've NEVER heard of a PC guy jonesing for a mac app.
few people want to mess with 2 OSes when they have a choice.
yeah... why would I need 2 OSes ?!??!