If you're an avid tech, these arguments make little difference.
Cost of iMac 1200.00
- video card is shit.
- 2.4GHz intel
- 1GB ram
Cost of dell pc with comparable price 1200.00
- video card kicks ass
- 2.83GHz intel
- 2GB of ram
And the wires can be near invisible if you know how to neaten up your living space.
iMac upgradable but not easy (easy for me but not easy for say, my uncle)
PC upgradable by anyone or with the help of the 13yr old neighbor
Cost of replacing any monitor under 1 year old (most likely including mac): shipping charges
Cost of replacing monitor with the same model 3 years from now: Probably 150 or less. Oh but one more thing, you can upgrade the monitor on the pc. Wow, maybe 20in will be small in 3 years, what a shame when you can't upgrade it.
This can go on all day, point is some people will like macs, and some people won't. I never will, maybe someone else does. From the technical aspect, the mac is a limited-use tool and the PC is the all-in-one that 80% of people with computers use. Sure boot camp helps, or virtualizing, but that is a pain to anyone but diehards because few people want to mess with 2 OSes when they have a choice.
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-Winston Churchill