Maybe I already mentioned this, but my American friend here in Iceland has a 5 year old son who has been wearing some manner of skirts at home and to school (over his pants) since he was old enough to recognize himself (2-3 years old). It was never a problem in the US, and after some adjustment time here in Iceland, it's also not a problem here. He is completely and utterly determined to dress like a girl, and he gets very depressed when he can't. His father is a child psychologist. They don't encourage the behavior, but they don't judge it, either. I don't think they are doing any permanent damage... it would be more damaging to him, I think, to force him to do something so entirely against his will that it traumatized him on a daily basis. If the kid's happy and understands that it's his choice to do this, then what can really be said?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran