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Old 08-23-2008, 09:13 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Location: New York City
Originally Posted by dc_dux View Post
How Obama's policy to let the tax cuts of 01 and 03 expire in 2010 as intended...and returning to the 1999 rates...and focusing tax cuts on the middle is that more destructive than adding to the massive national debt as a result, in part, of those tax cuts? Was our tax policy of the 90s disastrous...did the wealthiest tax payers suffer irreparable damage?
The massive national debt incurred in the last six years or so is more a result of the war in Iraq than tax cuts. The last figure I've read is $166 billion. Tax cuts or not, the national debt is ballooned from the war.

We are in economically less prominent times now than a few years ago, raising taxes will decrease spending and reduce the number of jobs. What I don't think Obama understands it that it's the wealthy that creates jobs for the middle class. The very wealthy don't really "suffer" but the middle class does. The people on the fringe (making just around Obama's self-defined $250k for rich) are going to be hurting more.

Obama's support for late term abortion is only in the case of the life or serious health threat to the mother...a position held by a majority of Americans..again, how is that destructive?
He's also for partial birth abortions. Not fundamentally destructive, just something I am very against.

Obama's foreign policy will restore diplomacy as an important tool to resolve well as focusing on rebuilding our image around the world. Destructive? Or perhaps you dont think its important what our allies think us (lower now than any time in our lifetime).
Bottom line is, diplomacy is always better than strong-arming, however, as I have already mentioned, diplomacy doesn't work for the Ahmedinejads of the world. He has openly said he wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. How will Obama deal with that? Will he just be like "Mahmoud, let's have a little talk about your proclamation?" That doesn't work!

Our allies will see us as a farce of what we used to stand for if Obama is elected. Obama wants to make this country in the image of Europe - a socialist state. Will they have a better image of us? Yes, but at what cost?

I think McCain tax policy, focused on benefiting the top tax payers, is disastrous and will result in further increasang the national debt substantially.
I disagree as previously stated. And I think a lot of money that is lost from taxes will be made up when McCain battles to reduce or eliminate pork barrel spending and useless government programs.

Obama wants to raise taxes to expand government. I don't have any figures here, but I would like to see for every dollar that goes to a useful government program, how much money is wasted on pork or ineffective programs?

McCain's health care policy will have the potential of destroying employer-based health plans..which are the foundation of our current health care delivery system.
Explain your reasoning on this, you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of on this point.

I think McCain's plan on subsidizing health care is a good one. It gives the ultimate choice on provider to the patient, while not jeopardizing the medical personnel.

Obama's plan for universal health care will destroy the world's greatest health care system. Many doctors in the profession (I have a quite a few friends in the medical profession and they echo this) will simply leave the profession if they are forced to work under a similar system as say Canada or the UK.

McCain's broader economic policy?...he still hasnt explained it...perhaps because he admits he knows little about economic policy.
I must admit, I don't know his economic policy in depth. I think selecting Mitt Romney as his VP will strengthen this portion of his administration considerably.

McCain war rhetoric directed at Iran is a continuation of the same..and only further alienating us from our allies.
Bottom line is, we're not going to war with Iran. We don't have the the man power. I know this, you know this, McCain knows this.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
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