Thread: Fear of flying
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Old 08-22-2008, 05:42 PM   #31 (permalink)
My problems with air travel are two.

1: I am an aviation buff. I've been mad for airplanes since before I could walk. Airplanes, like guns, are kinda my "thing." This means I know lots of stuff about them, including -exactly- what can go wrong (just about anything) and -exactly- what my chances are of surviving it if it does (damn near nothin'). This makes takeoffs and landings (the most likely time for a catastrophic failure and with the least margin for error...hello ground!) a hair-raising time, at least for me.

2: When it comes to vehicles, I'm a control freak. I -hate- being a passenger if I have a choice. Bluntly put, the world is full of idiots and most of them drive. I don't trust -any- other driver on the road not to be a total numbnuts, and I don't completely trust anyone other than myself to be able to dodge them if they -are- a total numbnuts. Drivers in my area (Appalachian Mtns) routinely come flying around turns entirely in the oncoming lane because "it lets you see further" around a blind turn. You read that correctly, these assholes will come around a twisty-turny blind turn in the middle of the mountains in the wrong lane, on purpose. I shudder at the thought of being killed as a passenger because my driver couldn't dodge such a waterhead, and the sure knowledge that somewhere up there someone of similar intelligence and common sense is flying for Delta does nothing for my confidence in air travel.

I love flying in light planes. But airliners? I'll take the boat, the horse, or the ten-toe express.
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