I dunno Roachie, but I do believe it will all culminate into something of note. We as bystanders are watching the process. Perhaps the next administration will resolve this once and for all.
Mixed, I agree with your Allegory of the Cave analogy. But there has to be a tipping point. With each subsequent level of noise increase, people start to turn away from the wall and demand "truth". It may be a slow process but I believe it has to happen. A critical mass has to be reached otherwise it will die down and "go away". Keep in mind, it could happen in the next 4 years, or not for another 30.
It's good you get pissy and dour. We should all be bumped from our comfort zones from time to time. It's what we do next that's significant.
"The race is not always to the swift, nor battle to the strong, but
to the one that endures to the end."
"Demand more from yourself, more than anyone else could ever ask!"
- My recruiter