But I do not agree with the rest.
I don't look very good in some colors or styles. I know this. I work with that knowledge. I didn't always know what worked with my body type, but my sister fixed that. Some people don't have such an influence in their lives. it is sad, but true. Agador - Since you seem to have a good eye for what looks bad, why not train your eye to see what looks good. Perhaps you can work with any personal friends who have difficulties working with their body types to find an ideal wardrobe that flatters.
Agador's remarks are cutting and judgemental. If she were to make these comments about someone in front of me, I would work to change the topic. I would also attempt to avoid her in the future. Unproductive and hurtful remarks toward other women encourage a negative body image. Many self-respecting women cannot hear such comments without wondering if someone would lay similar harsh judgment on their behavior or sense of fashion. Self-doubt ensues, and life becomes more difficult.
No, Agador, I'm afraid such comments will not gain you many friends. Here, or elsewhere. Your message is meaningful. Unfortunately you have chosen to express it in a shallow and potentially damaging manner.
You assume that I never compliment people. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm the first one to compliment a great look, friend or stranger. You also assume that I run around going, "EEEEWWW, look at her," everywhere I go. I keep most of my thoughts in that regards to myself, or just share it with my DH. You also say that I should work with my friends to help them find clothes that look right on them. My friends aren't the problem, they all dress very appropriately for their body style, age and envrionment. I agree that I would seem like a rather shallow and boring person if all I ever talked about was people's style, or lack there of. But, since this was a thread about such thoughts, you are only seeing one facet of what makes me tick, and it's a rather small one at that. Don't assume that just because I'm voicing what I believe to be a growing problem among Americans, that it's all I think about and ever talk about. Don't read this as shouting, b/c I know it's hard to read "tone of voice," but rather as just defending myself.