LOL retro i think that cartoon pretty much sums it up.
In reality mac has a great product both hardware and the mac OS. but when it comes to computers for most people they dont care about the hardware or the OS all that much as long as it can handle the software they need. And that is where the mac is lacking. games websites browser plugins and most basic software is all aimed at and made for windows. If what you use a computer for runs on a mac and you dont mind spending a little extra for the system macs are great.
Personally i will stick with the minor hassles of a windows based PC simply because if one part does break in the pc i have hundreds of brands to pick from to replace it in my budget and for my need instead of just forking out whatever mac decides they want to charge for the part. Not to mention I like to game Something a mac just does not do well for most games. Not the fault of mac only the fault of the people that make the games not making them for mac.
I Think mac needs to grow up a bit with its ad campaign. Maybe advertise itself instead of trying to make PC look bad. But these cartoons and stuff are funny anyway =)