Need to Pick Up External Hard Drive
I'm looking to pick up an external hard drive to back up my photos, documents, etc. I would like to back up my DVDs and maybe get rid of them. DVDs take up too much space.
Specs needed:
1. 500 GB
2. USB 2.0
3. Prefer under $100
So far I've narrowed it down to:
1. Western Digital MyBook Essential 2.0 - $100 or so w/shipping
2. SeaGate - maybe the FreeAgent or Free AgentPro?
3. LaCie
Western Digital has so-so reviews. They break after 6 onths to a year or so
SeaGate I'm not sure
Lacie has good reviews but it is expensive
Any suggestions or insights?
I've been looking on eBay, TigerDirect,, NewEgg so far.
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