Thread: Fear of flying
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Old 08-21-2008, 12:41 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
I am not afraid of flying. I am terrified of driving or rather, being in cars. Driving is one of the leading killers in our country (USA). I'm surprised so many people have an irrational fear of flying but don't hesitate getting into cars. Drowning in pools is more common than death by flying.

I think you should examine the underlying fear of flying. Is it because you don't have control? That is one of the most common reasons for fear of flying especially for alpha males. Is it the unknown? The "what ifs" of flying? Weather conditions, size of plane, mechanical integrity all contribute to an illusion of safety or lack thereof. Maybe the "solitude" of being in a plane and all that idle time causes a person to think and the mind wanders. So the anxiety and stress of real life become manifest as a fear of flying. I don't know, but it's possible.

Secondly, if faith (prayer) was a source of comfort before, but no longer due to change in faith, then perhaps that is more of a cause to examine than an actual fear of flying. That is if the act of flying prompts on to rexamine or think of faith, then perhaps there needs to be some soul searching there.

Thirdly, with regards to the accidents and "close-calls", that is a great example of why one should contact their family members. During 9/11, I had two family members on two separate flights on the same routes and same airlines as the ones involved in that tragedy. Thank God they were fine and I sure did appreciate the phone call letting me know they were safe.

Best way to "get over" your fear: confront it. Face it and take control of it. You will be pleasantly surprised. We can open up another thread for confronting your fear if you'd like, COuld be illuminating and helpful.
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