Originally Posted by jewels
I think it's sad when women objectify other women. It makes me think that young girls/women will never be able to escape the idea that they have to achieve a certain look in order to be accepted. Will anyone ever look good enough? Sigh.
So, you've never looked at someone and thought, "what was she thinking when she put that on?" IMO objectifying a woman would be more like saying that she has to be a certain size (like tiny waist, long legs and large breasts) to be worthy of positive attention from anyone, male or female. I'm in no way insinuating that women are less worthy of feeling good about themselves just because they are a plus size. I am, however, saying that one should play up their assets rather than draw negative attention to themselves. I have many friends that are in the plus size range and I've always respected them for looking fashionable without drawing attention to their size. In fact, they do a damned good job of making themselves look slimmer. I've yet to have a friend or family member who wanted to show off belly rolls, pendulous breasts or cellulite. I'm thin, but have cellulite on the backs of my thighs, just below my rear. You would never catch mem dead wearing short shorts because I don't want to put that on display. I also have stopped wearing midriff bearing shirts and save showing off cleavage for date night with my husband, not because I have a saggy chest or large mid-section. I no longer dress like this because I feel that at 34 and as a mom, it is no longer appropriate to dress like this on a daily basis.
I do realize that just because these are my values and what I find to be appropriate fashion choices, that not everyone shares my views. I just have a hard time with the concept that everything looks good on everyone.