Originally Posted by jorgelito
But elsewhere in the world people are remarkably candid and forward with their "personal" questions. It is not uncommon to be asked "how old are you?", How much do you make?", What religion are you?" etc.
Now I KNOW you're from an Asian family!
That's the first question out of all of my Thai family members' mouths when they meet someone new through me... especially when they met ktspktsp. Kinda took him by surprise (in the US), though in his culture, it's not all that uncommon, either. My mom was famous for asking my girlfriends (when they would come over to see me while I was home from college/grad school), "Do you have a boyfriend?" before even asking them how they were doing, etc. It was the first question out of her mouth--she was always MOST curious about whether they were all still virgins, etc. Hilarious.
Anyway, off my own topic here... but yeah, in my Asian family, religious discussion was right out on the table just as much as any other "taboo" topic. Quite the opposite with the rest of my family.