Originally Posted by Halx
For all the times when someone defies the odds, there are thousands of people who don't. That's why they're called odds.
In that way, I believe anyone who thinks they've been touched by god in this way to be delusional.
Geez, its hard not to be hostile toward religious folk.
Not to put you on the spot, but do you also believe cameras to be "delusional" when they record unexplainable activity? What about when someone happens to guess pretty much everything right concerning a past person or event before it is looked up? Sure there are fraudsters out there, but surely you don't think
every one of them is a fake. I guess what that leads to is do you believe there is no spiritual activity at all, or that there is no overseeing power?
I'm just curious about that. I have atheist friends, but I have never really dived into this discussion with them.