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Old 08-20-2008, 08:46 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xazy View Post
Educational studies? You cited some frenchman by no name from 100 years ago as the source of this belief. I am saying this religious belief comes from Jewish books from 70CE. There are passages in the Torah itself that elude that the child from a man may lead a stray but no comments from the mother. There is fact from the book of ruth about her heritage. But the place I can point out that says it straight forward is in the Mishnah that was done about 70ce (can not pin point exact date).

I believe you have an issue separating whether being Jewish is a religion or a nationality. I believe in it being both.
As you have said it is a religious belief. Halx does not subscribe to this religious belief, so the point of what it says in the Torah (I assume) is moot to him. I mean this in the most respectful way to you Xazy, I do not mean this to insult your personal beliefs.

Originally Posted by Jinn View Post
I agree with your post, but not your thread title.

There *is* a Jewish Race. There was enough in-group breeding to solidify a set of ethnic characteristics unique from other human ethnic groups. You can be Jewish (religious) without being of the Jewish race.

DNA and the Origins of the Jewish Ethnic Groups

It wasn't just some "old french anti-semite." In the age of DNA, we can tell that there are very distinct racial characteristics of Jews-by-heritage, just like there are distinct racial characteristics of African Americans (black skin, perhaps?)

Jewish Genetics - DNA, genes, Jews, Ashkenazi
I have never understood how a religion can be a race personally. From the medical standpoint we would never do so, it would fall under religion. As interesting a subject can be I have never studied it personally. Like many social groups they preferred to stick to their "own kind" I suppose. Keeping a tighter knit community of one religion I can see how over time there would be similarities.

Not to sound ignorant or go to far off topic, but I wonder if similar points could be found with other religious groups. For example, Catholics with the way they tend to view mixed religion and marriage being frowned upon. Not to attack Catholics either but I know many Catholic churches will not perform a wedding ceremony unless the non-catholic partner converts. I think the same could be said of Muslims, though I do not know much about it personally. At least where I live, there is no question that Muslims have an extremely tight community and tend not to mix much from those outside of it. Thoughts to ponder...
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