If I were asked if I was Christian, it'd be a flat out, emphatic NO. But, if I was asked if I was Jewish, I, too would answer "sorta".
My mother is Jewish, meaning, by Jewish dictates, I am as well. And Jewish is a culture as well-in addition to the religious practice, there is the food, the languages of Hebrew and Yiddish, even the way "we" express ourselves, which, from my mother's family, has sneaked into me and my siblings.
However, for all intents and purposes, I am an atheist with pagan leanings.

Many of my spiritual habits and core beliefs from the earliest of my life are, as I found out rather recently, identical to those of Wicca, although I have never researched it thoroughly nor practiced it.
We frequently have Jehovah Witness people come knocking; if and when they do, I, very straight faced, say, "Sorry, not interested. I'm Pagan Jewish." Stops them for few seconds....