Originally Posted by clssikrokgitars
One question i have been asked a lot since deciding to go to the navy is: Am i Republican?
The answer is definately no, I think republicans have done a terrible job, are doing a terrible job, and will continue too. Im just curious what people think about the situation. Should people who serve in the military totally back our government, or is it possible that we are serving despite it?
The Navy and military is more diverse than the liberal-left and media would have us believe but does have a tendency to lean conservative, Republican what have you. The reason why it seems so is because active military personnel are not allowed to voice political opinions, especially against the current administration (something like that). So int he current climate, it appears as though all military personnel are gun ho for Bush, but in reality, this is not true. However, active personnel are not allowed to express this.
Are you enlisting or going OCS? What community are you in?