Originally Posted by *Nikki*
Yes I guess there is a small assumption here that the ladies do the cleaning or at least the choosing of what cleaning supplies are used. I guess because in my house that is what happens because even if he does do it, most of the time it is not quiet how I would like it to be done, so I just end up doing it anyhow
You should let him know that. In time that could be one of those festering little annoyances that blows like a volcano.
There's very good natural citrus cleaners-I've found some at Walmart, but the name escapes me as I don't have any left. Love that citrus scent!
Good old-fashioned bleach is your best disinfectant; barring that, Clorox makes scented disinfectant wipes that work on everything except glass. And they really do get the ickies like marked up doors looking pretty good.
(And I HATE housework of any kind-anyone coming to my house has to be prepared for disarray, dust and less than stellar looking floors. Ironically (or maybe not), my kids were always healthier than those of my neat-freak friends.)