No, I don't think that being dead earns a person any more respect than they had when they were alive. I have a bad habit of not seeing people any differently after they are dead, and I know that it frustrates the hell out of my family (in the case of my own father, grandma, and step-grandma). They all want me to partake in some kind of dead-person worship of all the great things about those people, to the neglect of all their negative aspects... and I refuse to do it.
However, the obituary in the OP has nothing to do with the dead, and everything to do with the person who wrote it. I echo what others have said... you don't have to respect the dead, at all... but you don't have to embarrass yourself as a person who clearly has issues, by putting something like this in public. Silence would have been a much wiser approach, in my opinion.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran